What does it take to navigate Michigan State's campus life successfully?


Have you ever thought about what your vision is for your time on Michigan State’s campus? What do you want your time to look like? Even more importantly than that, who do you want to become over the next four years of your life?

How will you have the most deeply fulfilling experience over the next half a decade? How will you end up happy, healthy, and prepared to take on the challenges that our world throws your way? Here are 5 things to consider as you move to MSU over the next couple of days:

  1. Find a great group of friends to connect with. Your community dictates who you will become. Step out of your comfort zone and meet people on your dorm floor and in your classes.

  2. Get involved with life giving activities. Jump into a group with people who enjoy the same kinds of things you enjoy. If you love to run, join the running club. If you love to fish, jump into the MSU fishing club.

  3. I’m going to sound like a dad with this one: Take care of yourself. Eating right, exercise, and getting consistent, solid sleep are a couple of great examples of ways you can take care of yourself. Talk to anyone who is trying to help students on campus in the midst of a mental health crisis and they will all say the same thing: sleep, diet, and exercise are all super important to your mental wellbeing.

  4. Approach your school work like a job. My pastor when I was in college encouraged us to work at school as if it were a 40 hour week job. Put in an 8-5 with class and study and you’ll be surprised with how much free time you’ll have.

  5. Pursue answers to the biggest questions in life: Why are you here (Purpose)? Does God exist? If so, who is He? What’s He like? How can I know Him? What happens after the grave?

We started the GreenHouse to help students pursue all of these areas. If you are looking for more information about finding a life giving community on campus, text the word “greenhouse” to 94090 and we’d love to connect with you and buy you coffee or ice cream and connect with you!