Why did God design sex?

Why is sex such an important topic for the church to talk about?


The Bible talks about sex.  And yet this topic is one that many Christians and churches shy away from. In working with college aged and young adults, this is a topic that gets a lot of attention because it’s what young people are wrestling with on a regular basis. But I would argue that this topic is one that needs to be addressed to a broader audience.

For the sake of this blog - we are just going to focus on one aspect of this topic and that is design. What is God’s design for sex? Why did He create sex?

God's desire for you (speaking to the follower of Jesus) is that you would understand His design for sex and worship God through the way you live out sex and your sexuality. 

God designed sex with at least three reasons in mind:

1.  He's an awesome God who loves to give us good gifts.  Sex, within God's design, was created for pleasure!

2.  Sex was designed to created a bond. He created it to bond one man and one woman together for life within the covenant of marriage (Genesis 2:24).  Sex was designed as glue and it doesn't discriminate.  It will create a bond whenever it is experienced.  Outside of marriage, sex is incredibly destructive.  Within the commitment of marriage, sex actually brings health and vibrancy to the relationship.

3.  It’s a spiritual illustration. God also created sex as a picture of the gospel message (Ephesians 5:31-32).  In sex, a husband and wife communicate to each other that they are fully known, fully loved, and fully accepted.  And that's the message of the gospel...when you become a Christian by putting your faith in Jesus and trusting His finished work on the cross, you are fully known, fully loved, and fully accepted forever.  So God created sex as a living, experiential illustration of a profound mystery - the gospel message.

We need to talk about this topic with our kids and with our friends.  We need to be people who talk about what we're for, and not just what we're against.  We need to be for God honoring sex!

What are the questions that you want us to blog about?  Feel free to leave a comment and we will try and address your interests as quickly as we can!

Want more information on this topic? You can listen to a recent teaching I did on 1 Thessalonians 4 and you can click here to listen.